Contact Us

Feel free to send us a message if you have any questions, feel free to report bugs or suggest improvements. We take your comments seriously.

Send us a message

If your message is regarding a specific order, kindly include the order ID. We aim to respond to all inquiries promptly. Our support agents are available 24/7 to assist you.

Trusted & Verified by Industry Leaders

PaidTabs partners with and is verified by leading companies including Stripe, Amazon, and Google for Startups . PaidTabs is also registered and holds a trademark with the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), underscoring our dedication to authenticity and quality. In our commitment to sustainability, we collaborate with Viskogen to support tree planting initiatives.

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PaidTabs FAQs

  • What is PaidTabs?

    PaidTabs was launched in mid-2020 in Sweden, under the company Tabbit AB (Org nr. 5592582547), as the first freelancing platform and marketplace dedicated to musicians looking to request, buy, and sell sheet music. We prioritize high-quality content and select only experienced musicians to join our platform. PaidTabs' mission is to provide musicians with the freedom, resources, and opportunities they need to manifest their creative vision and share it with the world.

  • How can I submit my transcription request?

    You can simply start by typing your song name or provide a YouTube link, if your song has been already requested by another customer, you can buy the score immediately without having to request it.

    PaidTabs also supports TikTok, Instagram and Spotify links, so feel free to paste any links of your music in the search box.

  • I made a purchase but didn't receive the score. What should I do?

    Simply log in or sign up using the email you used for your purchase, and you'll find your purchased scores right there. You can also check your spam folder in your email as sometimes emails may end up there. If you still can't find it, please provide us with the purchased product, the payment method you used, and the reference ID of your transaction. This will help us locate your order and resolve the issue as quickly as possible.

  • What is your refund policy for inaccurate scores?

    We want to ensure that our customers receive the best possible experience. If the score you received is inaccurate, please send us your order ID and a detailed explanation of the problems you encountered. We will review the score and have it examined by one of our professional musicians.

  • Can I be a transcriber/tabber and earn money?

    You’re very welcome to join our PaidTabs and begin earning money by bidding on customers transcription requests. Once you’ve delivered an order, the score will be included in our library for future use. Every time it is purchased, you’ll automatically get paid.

    Create an account and contact us so we verify your account in order for you to be able to bid on customers requests.

  • How can I submit my transcription request?

    You can simply start by typing your song name or provide a YouTube link, if your song has been already requested by another customer, you can buy the score immediately without having to request it.

    PaidTabs also supports TikTok, Instagram and Spotify links, so feel free to paste any links of your music in the search box.